MPMA Board Meeting Summary for January 23, 2019
2019 Board .. Sam LeFore, Marilyn Vogel, Morris Kivett, John Cress, Marie Evans, Jim Murphy, Dick Cook
The Board’s first meeting of 2019 provided an opportunity for newly elected board members, committee leads, and member guests to informally discuss board responsibilities, association goals, challenges, and committee plans. One highlight of this session focused on the increased levels of volunteerism and leadership noticed in all areas of the Villages.
The Strategic Planning Committee [Jack Gisler, Dennis Olson, John Cress, Kurt Carlson] is looking for representatives from each Phase to assist the committee as they gather input for future goals and priorities, including a rewrite of our bylaws and covenants. Now is the time to speak up about what you like about the Villages [and want to see continued] and what needs improvement.
Our Common Area Maintenance is now chaired by Ray Goff. Please watch for notices of work parties this Spring. Safety and water conservation are priorities for this year. It helps to have everyone pointing out small problems before they become big problems.
Block Watch/Safety Committee continues to collaborate with the Police Department in promoting public safety to reduce crime. All Phases have a Block Watch representative except Phase 1. News: The City of College Place is a key player in the WW Valley’s “Blue Zones” project proposal promoting community-wide evidence-based lifestyle changes that support health, longevity, and happiness. This ties in well with our public safety/health focus. If you are interested in more information about the “Blue Zones Project” here, let Michele Wollert (503-756-5875) know and she’ll connect you with the right people.
Water conservation is a high priority of our HOA. You will be hearing more about the sprinkler and drip line watering as we get into the dry weather, but for now, remember to conserve water in your daily domestic use. Phases I, II, V, VI, and VII share a single water meter, so those homes each pay an equal portion of the total bill. Phase X shares one meter, and Phases VIII and IX have individual meters. When we all use less water, we all will pay less.
During the formal meeting, the board elected 2019 officers: Marie Evans/Secretary-Treasurer, John Cress/Vice President, Dick Cook/President. Other action included approval of JH Vandal, CPA to audit 2018 VGC Financials .. approval 11.20.18 minutes of last board meeting .. assigned 2019 check-signing authority to Jim Hall, Marie Evans, and Dick Cook .. briefly discussed Phase 6’s new bylaws & proposed rental policy .. approved a Finance sub-committee to address delinquent dues issues. Board minutes and monthly financials are posted in “members content” section of our VGC Website:
The MPMA Board will meet again on Wednesday, February 27, at 2:00 p.m. at SonBridge Community Center. Thereafter, meetings will be scheduled, as needed, on the 4th Wednesday of each month at the 2:00 at SonBridge. VGC members are welcome and invited to attend all board meetings.
For more information please .. contact Marie Evans at or Dick Cook,