Christmas at the Gazebo

Friends and Neighbors, We hope to see many of you at the “Christmas In the Village” Party on Wednesday, 12/11, at 6:00 pm – A few notes regarding this event:

  • This year our gazebo Christmas Tree will be hung with “ornaments” that support Helpline in our community. If you want to participate, you may take an ornament from the tree, fulfill the requested item(s), and return it to the committee. Additional instructions will be given there.
  • If you would like to attend the event, but are reluctant to walk or drive to the gazebo, we will be providing a shuttle service. We will pick up VGC residents at the mailboxes in their neighborhood between 5:45-6:00 pm and will return you to your neighborhood at evening’s end. 
  • A donation jar will be available to support our musical entertainment group

Happy Holidays to All VGC Social Committee


        Wednesday, November 6 at 2:00 PM Sonbridge Community Center,  College Place, WA

 A special board meeting of the VGC MPMA is being called due to the need for board members to vote on the 2025 Proposed Operating Budget and Reserve Spending Plan that was tabled at the October 23,2024 board meeting due to member concerns. Work to address these issues has occurred and once the budget is approved by the board it will be submitted in the mailed packet of information for member review prior to the annual meeting on December 15 where a vote to ratify or not will occur.

A vote on the minutes of the October board meeting will also be held as there will not be a regular board meeting in November.

An informational meeting regarding the 2025 Operational Budget and Reserve Spending Plan and other topics members may wish to comment on will be held on Sunday, December 1 at Sonbridge at 2PM.