Special Meeting

The Villages of Garrison Creek Board of Directors is announcing a Special Membership Meeting on October 1, 2023, at the SonBridge Community Center from 2:00 to 4:00.  This is the opportunity for members to comment or question the following items:

  • Discussion and VOTE on Criteria for Board Nominations.  The current covenants do not list criteria for nominations. The board researched HOA periodicals for a listing of criteria, choosing those that best speak to the Villages of Garrison Creek. There will be a secret ballot vote of “yes” or “no” on the criteria proposed by the board.
  • Discussion and ADVISARY VOTE on Parking. The overflow lot is no longer encouraged for Village residents. It is our understanding that the property will be unavailable soon. With more vehicles owned by our residents and larger pick-up trucks, the garage parking only standard is not practical. Members will vote on the revised Land Use Standard. The board and the Architectural Review Committee will collaborate on a final version of the LUS, based on the results of the vote.
  • Discussion on Enforcements and Fines. The board is inviting input in the rules for enforcement and the leveling of fines for infractions of our covenants and/or Land Use Standards.  For too many years the enforcement of issues has been scattered and infrequent. In order to maintain the values of the Villages of Garrison Creek, we must follow the rules so that our house investments consistently grow.
  • Discussion on CCRs and Bylaws. Our current documents are outdated and written to benefit the builder. The recent vote on new documents did not generate a quorum to validate the results. Members are encouraged to share their thoughts on what documents are needed going forward.
  • Discussion of the Future of the Villages. Where do we see our community in the future? Management. Volunteers. Landscaping. Maintenance of Roads. Village Roles. Membership involvement.
  • Please come to the Special Membership Meeting and add your voice to the discussion. If you cannot attend in person, you may send your proxy with a trusted neighbor or friend.  Be sure to state to them how you wish to vote on the issues.
  • Proxy Form

Helpful Links:

Criteria for Board Nominations

Code of Ethics


Enforcement and Fines

Proxy Form