Here are some pictures of the Back Flow Assembly.
Back Flow Preventer Assembly
Notification of water main shut down starting 0800 Monday 23rd September. Villages 1,2,5,6 and 7
Villages 1,2,5,6 and 7 important public service announcements for MPMA and villages leadership.
Please distribute to all homeowners this notification of extended water supply disruption starting Monday, September 23rd at 0800. The effect will be an extended potable (drinking water) disruption. This disruption is expected to last a minimum of 12 to 48 hours.
During this period it is important to ensure adequate supplies of bottled drinking water in each household. We recommend that each household stockpile at least six 16oz bottles of water per adult daily.
Water for flushing toilets may be stored by filling a bathtub the night before the work starts.
Once the water is shut down it cannot be restored until the repair is completed.
Emergency supplies of bottled drinking water will be available at the gazebo circle during the day.
An SMS text call down tree to broadcast updates is available. Homeowners may have their SMS numbers added to this broadcast by emailing their name address and number to
with the subject line SMS Broadcast. Updates will also be posted on the Villages of Garrison Creek website.
Progress reports may be gathered by visiting the worksite in Village 1 during working hours and talking to the designated site supervisor or by emailing
The City of College Place mandates that this work is essential to the village infrastructure and will be completed as quickly as possible, not in less than 12 hours.
After health and safety checks have been completed by WDOH and the City of College Place the SMS system will advise a flush period where all homeowners will be advised to flush their system for 5-10 minutes.
Irrigation in the affected villages will be shut down during the repair period
To reduce multiple communications please do not reply to all. For questions and concerns email