The Villages of Garrison Creek
Master Property Management Association
Wednesday 24 April 2019
MPMA Directors .. Dick Cook, John Cress, Marie Evans, Jim Murphy/ARC, Morris Kivett, Marilyn Vogel, Henning Guldhammer
Members have been volunteering for several projects within the Villages:
• There’s been some interest in a yard sale. Having such a sale within the Villages is not allowed due to the damage that can be caused on our roads and parking on the sprinkler heads. If there is enough interest, and a volunteer to head up the project, we may be able to have a Village Yard sale using Lions Park.
• Marilyn Vogel is beginning work on an all-member directory.
• Ray Goff, Common Areas, has been grinding tree stumps and making plans to seal coat some of our roads this summer.
• John Jaso is researching the best maintenance options for our ponds & surrounds.
• The Safety Committee is working with the College Place Police in reporting some thefts from front porches on Whimbrel Loop Road. Take your packages in promptly or make arrangements for deliveries in a less obvious place. As always, report any suspicious activity to the police.
• The Strategic Planning Committee has collected research on the rewriting of our documents and on many other issues important to the Villages. Their April report to the Board will be published with the full minutes of the board meeting. Contact anyone on the SPC if you have any questions or want to add your voice.
• Due to the time and research of Michele Wollert, and the assistance of Jim Hall, we now have 224 email addresses on our communications list. That’s over 90% of our homeowners in the Villages!
The Board wishes to thank all the volunteers who give of their time and energy. Many hands not only make light work, they make a great community of neighbors helping neighbors!
College Place may be experiencing a water shortage this summer due to work being done on the city wells. Beginning now, we will be cutting the water usage in our common areas to conserve water and lower our water costs. The Board encourages all homeowners to set their backyard sprinklers to no more than every three days of watering and be vigilant of excess water usages for our family use.
Watch for the full Board Minutes and the March Financial Report on our website soon.
The next Board Meeting — Tentatively Scheduled for May 29, 2:00 p.m., at Son Bridge Community Center.
Contact Dick Cook at (509) 386-4118 or Marie Evans at (509) 529-2040 for comments and questions or to add your name to the volunteer list.