Annual Meeting Notice
December 5th, 2021
2pm ZOOM
The Villages of Garrison Creek Board of Directors invites you to the annual meeting. This will be held by Zoom due to continuing COVID and social distancing concerns.
Registration for this meeting begins at 1:30pm. Please be sure to use your full name when joining the meeting. Zoom link is listed below.
Zoom Link
Also listed is our email address that can be used if you need assistance.
This email will be monitored from 1:30-2pm.
Email Link
In addition, a phone line will be monitored to provide assistance from 1:30pm-2om.
(425) 223-1415 Jeanne Joyal
Villages of Garrison Creek Master BoardLinda Olson – President
Dick Cook – Vice-President
Marie Evans – Treasurer
Denise Bartlow – Secretary
Joyce Beecroft Jeanne Joyal