The business of the VGC is managed by a Board of seven directors elected by association members at the Annual Meeting as specified in the bylaws. The election will occur at the annual meeting on Sunday December 10, 2023.
Nomination Options
- Advance Nominations by the current Board of Directors or an ad hoc Nomination Committee.
- Advance Nomination by a member or group of members within the specified open nomination time period (October 25 through November 17, 2023 by email to including the name(s) of member(s) submitting the nominee for candidacy consideration.
- Advance Nomination by an individual member who wishes to submit their own name for nomination.
- Annual meeting nominations from the floor during the designated agenda time. Floor nominees are encouraged to be present to accept nominations and shall have the opportunity to present a 2 to 3 minute written or verbal statement comparable to nominee recommendations below.
Nominee Recommendations
Provide in a single email to by the announced deadline the following information:
- Name, mailing address, email address, and phone number of the nominee.
- A brief written statement by the nominee (300 words maximum) including the following:
- If a member, how long the nominee has been a MPMA member and if a VGC resident, how long.
- Why the nominee wishes to be considered for service as a director.
- The nominee’s vision for the VGC.
- Leadership and/or volunteer service in this or another HOA.
- A JPEG file of a medium-resolution head shot photograph of the nominee shall be attached to the nomination email.
Nominations will be posted to the website upon receipt with pictures. A printed list of candidates and their bios will be available at the Annual Meeting on December 10.
Ballot Distribution and Voting
- The names of advance nominees will be placed on the official ballot distributed at the annual meeting.
- Space on the ballot for write-in candidates will be provided.
- The seven nominees with highest number of votes will be announced after votes are tallied by non-nominee members designated by the Board.